HP 5 year Parts Coverage Hardware Support w/Defective Media Retention for Latex1500

Reasons to buy
  • No need to stock parts
    Expedite access to replacement parts with Advance exchange.
  • Access to expert Technical help
    Your service technicians can rely on experienced HP service technicians for remote problem diagnosis and support.
  • Shipping included
    Shipping charges are included for standard delivery, and additional options are available for predetermined time-and-place delivery.
  • Stay in control of your data
    Gain security and control when dealing with defective storage disks. HP will provide a replacement disk and let you keep the old one.
Country Distributor
1 distributor(s)
1 distributor(s)
1 distributor(s)
Penafian HP 5 year Parts Coverage Hardware Support w/Defective Media Retention for Latex1500 :

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